If you've come here for the Zone 66 soundtrack, Click here. |
My music is like a road accident. It is atrocious, yet some sick people seem to be attracted to it.
There's not much more that needs to be said. Most of this stuff is done using a tracker (ModPlug, which is free). I've acquired 4 (count them, four) dedicated fans, and several other people who say "hmm that's not awful". I am advised that they are not receiving care in the community.
If you're asking which one to download first, try Work In Progress or Every Waking Moment as everyone seems to say they're the best. Helpful and constructive criticism (like: "OMG you suck. Please stop doing this!") is always graciously received.
Requests for the original .IT, .S3M etc files To my great surprise a few people have been asking about getting the music in it's original "tracked" form. I don't give it out, sorry. Here's my reasons:- The file size is often larger than the MP3 version
- A lot of them use VST plugins that you might not have
- They're no good for learning tracking from. If you want to learn how to do it I suggest you go to www.modarchive.com and download some of the smaller tunes from there.
I'm prepared to offer up the samples though since they're mostly royalty free, if you want them then contact me. It'll probably involve you sending me a stamped envelope with your address on it and a blank CD, so I can burn them and send it back to you. |
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Size: | 2.22mb |
Time: | 1:56 |
Bitrate: | 160kbps |
Samples: | 44khz |
Genre: | Game |
More ID3 info |
Alexander Brandon has a habit of "dropping the bomb", as they say. This guy did some of the music for Unreal and Unreal Tournament. His theme tune for Epic Megagames' Jazz Jackrabbit is probably one of the most "dope" theme tunes to a simplistic platform game ever created. Having played through the whole of `Jackrabbit 2, mostly to listen to the music and admire a time when Epic were more free-thinking, less serious and actually made blindingly fast enjoyable games in an attempt to kick twelve shades of shit out of consoles, I decided to re-create the theme music with modarn tecnologey (i.e. Not ProTracker).
I note that Epic's more corporate attitude seems to have seen the demise of "Epic Megagames" and the adoption of "Epic Games". It's true that the games aren't Mega anymore, there's little new about most stuff Epic brings out in comparison to other developers. Soon they'll drop the Games altogether, call it "Epic Software" and make accounting applications rendered beautifully in three dimensions that require a 4GHz machine with $400-worth of graphics architecture to run at a decent whack. I should probably put a "mindless rambling" page on this site then I wouldn't have to do it all here... |
Size: | 2.25mb |
Time: | 1:57 |
Bitrate: | 160kbps |
Samples: | 44khz |
Genre: | Game |
More ID3 info |
A fun short "dance" track for a game called Shatter! Knowing nobody else who'd do it for free, my friend decided he might as well prod me towards doing nasty little background musics and graphics for his game, so at least I'm doing this for a reason now. Heaven forbid I ever do it for money.
I did this in one evening. All original except that guitar riff (the coolest bit). But oh well. It was royalty free. |
Size: | 2.75mb |
Time: | 2:00 |
Bitrate: | 192kbps |
Samples: | 44khz |
Genre: | Noise |
More ID3 info |
This is the worst sound you will ever hear. Warning: Playing this MP3 file in a conventional MP3 player could seriously damage your equipment, and your ears. Because it's created in 1 hour flat, and aims to be the most abominable, detestable, loathsome audio atrocity I have ever created. This is really meant to offend your ears. Really. I hope that you hate it with all my heart.
Why do such a thing? Well as a test honestly. Too many people were saying my music was good to believe, so I made this as bad as I possibly could so that nobody would ever like it, just to see who was just Being Nice To Me and who was serious about liking my stuff. You will also note that the majority of the samples are just garbage: text/graphics files loaded as if they were raw audio files. The result is very much like putting a data CD in an old audio CD player and playing it.
For maximum offence, I suggest you wear decent headphones when listening to this. It just wouldn't be the same out of speakers.
Remember: This is meant to be bad! At no point did I aim to please, the sole purpose is to make your ears bleed and your head fall off.
Hatred:- <sway_67> okay..im not even going to finish listening to electromaggots
<sway_67> yes..that was complete shit <sway_67> that doesnt even pass for imposter *art*
- <GeMz`> woah.. this is like.. different.
<GeMz`> wow <GeMz`> nice 2 minutes <GeMz`> I woman fapped whilst listening to the song
- <benryves> (in response to Beef, below) The day that Radiohead release anything as hideous as this, I will accept that comment. This is the worst noise since feedback & radio static.
- <Weeks> Weevil, what do you use to create your music? electromaggots is cool
- <BesigedB> omg electromaggets
<BesigedB> is bad <BesigedB> !
- <Elle> I LIEK electromaggots
<Elle> but then I do have poor hearing :/
- <sark> my ears hurt
- <Beef> wtf?!
<Beef> Fucking hell man <Beef> that is Radiohead. <Beef> The screaming?!
Send me yours. Stop saying it's good you masochists :/ |
Size: | 2.72mb |
Time: | 2:22 |
Bitrate: | 160kbps |
Samples: | 44khz |
Genre: | unknown |
More ID3 info |
Knoxville (friend of mine) said this reminds him of Outrun. Yes, it's almost a chiptune. Chiptunes are very tiny tracks that sound like a C64's SID audio chip. When making this, that wasn't the goal I had in mind... I just wanted to use excessive pitch bends. |
Size: | 2.77mb |
Time: | 2:25 |
Bitrate: | 160kbps |
Samples: | 44khz |
Genre: | Rock |
More ID3 info |
This was not previously available on baxpace, but it's here now. It uses a sample from Pretty Maids - Eye of the Storm for the accoustic guitar (only the guitar, the bassline and drums and everything else are my own). I've never listened to more than the opening accoustic sample from that track, but I quite what I made of it. |
Size: | 3.52mb |
Time: | 2:33 |
Bitrate: | 192kbps |
Samples: | 44khz |
Genre: | Game/Remix |
More ID3 info |
Very bored this month. Some of you may remember a classic game called Bug Eyes for the BBC Micro and possibly other 8-bits, where you played a little spaceman waddling around trying to avoid crushing stompers and various other hazards so that you could get back to your space ship before your oxygen ran out. The sequel to this game, Bug Eyes 2, had cute little beepy music going on all the time as you waddled about. Here this music is ruined, by me, free of charge. The original is by Ian Waugh.
This is the second BBC Micro music remix I've done, and I'm worried that this could turn into a habit. This definitely falls into the Just For Fun category and is of course not serious :) |