Here are some of my more recent pics. Operator and Survive are related to the All Your Base web craze that stems from the hideously translated introduction of the Genesis/Megadrive game, Zero Wing. There are a few pics people have actually asked me to do, like Beefproud, Giz and Sunny. The other stuff is just general fiddling, some of them are galaxy pictures for Planetarion
This is not everything, just a sample of some of the more interesting junk. |
Okay let me set this straight: The saucer is not frying the cow's backside. I've desperately modified the pic to make it look as much like it's trying to pick up the cow with it's tractor beam as possible... The cow is actually from a pic of a cow trying to eat grass under a fence. The landscape was from somewhere unknown, and the flying saucer is just your average curry-tins-and-Sellotape-look-it's-real-honest grade alien spacecraft. |