Zone 66 Music
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My music is like a road accident. It is atrocious, yet some sick people seem to be attracted to it.

There's not much more that needs to be said. Most of this stuff is done using a tracker (ModPlug, which is free).
I've acquired 4 (count them, four) dedicated fans, and several other people who say "hmm that's not awful". I am advised that they are not receiving care in the community.

If you're asking which one to download first, try Work In Progress or Every Waking Moment as everyone seems to say they're the best. Helpful and constructive criticism (like: "OMG you suck. Please stop doing this!") is always graciously received.

Requests for the original .IT, .S3M etc files
To my great surprise a few people have been asking about getting the music in it's original "tracked" form. I don't give it out, sorry. Here's my reasons:
  1. The file size is often larger than the MP3 version
  2. A lot of them use VST plugins that you might not have
  3. They're no good for learning tracking from. If you want to learn how to do it I suggest you go to and download some of the smaller tunes from there.
I'm prepared to offer up the samples though since they're mostly royalty free, if you want them then contact me. It'll probably involve you sending me a stamped envelope with your address on it and a blank CD, so I can burn them and send it back to you.

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TheWeevil - Fluorescent
Size: 4.28mb
Time: 3:44
Bitrate: 160kbps
Samples: 44khz
Genre: unknown
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A moody but pretty little track, done in rainy October. The beat is a bit clunky, but otherwise it's quite pleasant.

TheWeevil - Every Waking Moment
Size: 4.43mb
Time: 3:52
Bitrate: 160kbps
Samples: 44khz
Genre: unknown
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A little chillout track that I did one night, this is actually quite pretty. My first bit of music for 2003 and I don't think I could have started the year much better than this. I'm actually shamelessly happy with it. Good grief.

Of course, it is all done on headphones so I'm not sure if the beat is a little overcompressed for speakers. And I'm not particularly happy with some bits of it but decided to just leave them be until I can be bothered to fix them.

This one was done entirely in ModPlug Tracker.

TheWeevil - WorldShaper
Size: 5.54mb
Time: 4:01
Bitrate: 192kbps
Samples: 44khz
Genre: Techno-Industrial
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Loud thumping fast moving irritating and above-all dirty track using some very oldschool leads and samples straight out of the trash. Kind of industrial.

TheWeevil - Rendezvous At Sherbet Mountain
Size: 4.70mb
Time: 4:06
Bitrate: 160kbps
Samples: 44khz
Genre: Pop/Funk
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Woohoo, groovy. This track is influenced by a few things, like the Rock Garden tune from ye olde DOS game Tyrian. Also features an obtrusive cameo appearance of Martin Galway's Comic Bakery tune.

Funk is dead.

TheWeevil - Diamond Mine
Size: 4.76mb
Time: 4:09
Bitrate: 160kbps
Samples: 44khz
Genre: Industrial
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Sort of Orbital-esque track I suppose. Lots of messing with phasing and flanging in this and a relatively laid back beat. It's warm. Not much else to say. I think it's one of my favorites I've done except other people will probably disagree. It doesnt sound too great out of normal speakers (just kind of very fuzzy...) so wear decent headphones.

TheWeevil - Whalesong
Size: 5.13mb
Time: 4:29
Bitrate: 160kbps
Samples: 44khz
Genre: Industrial
More ID3 info
Can't think why I never released this in the past. Anyway, it's here now. Loud and punishing. Thanks fly to Andrew Robinson for the guitar work!

Running on Macrocosm 1.012 (Reitsch), rendered in 0.02s